I want to focus on some of my favorite Men's fashion trends and styles throughout the past few years, and I will also be telling you gentlemen what will NOT get you laid. At all.
I guess it's a "Do's and Don'ts" type of article. I will be continuing to write articles on men's fashion so don't fret. I love you too.
Now, I don't think there's anything sexier than a guy in some dark skinny jeans and a black v-neck tee (yeah, I said skinny jeans. I think they're hot on guys. As long as they aren't so tight they look like latex paint, they're completely do-able.), But sometimes you need to kick up your outfit a notch. Kicking up your outfit does NOT mean wearing a Tshirt with glo-paint splashes and a Dude-Bro name label on it. (Affliction and Ed Hardy- STOP MAKING CLOTHES. Please.)
Here are some of my favorite looks that are simple and sexy, but have a little something special to them, along with some Style Icons that wore them best.
1.. Anything Brandon Flowers
Brandon Flowers is the awkward, boyish, and absoloutley gorgeous frontman for the Indie- Post-Punk- New wave band, The Killers. Besides having a voice that makes

Flowers brought back the ever so popular skinny suit look, but upped the risk factor and took it west. Southwest to be exact. During the Killer's debut album Hot Fuss, they jumped right into the Fall Out Boy/Panic! At the Disco ranks of Alt/Indie pretty boy bands and did the whole eyeliner/ironic suspenders a'la Moulin Rouge type thing, but they soon broke the mold in music and style with their Sophomore Album (my favorite) Sam's Town (A reference to the Band's hometown of Las Vegas).
To cut this short-The Killers made The Wild West "Hipster." Hipster is a terrible term for it I think, but really, the Moustache, the skinny pant and the thick framed glasses all point to the H-word. But there also was a twinge of the west in the look.
I saw them in Concert during their Sam's Town tour, and not only was the show a treat, but the style did not dissapoint.
After their style and sound took a turn for the amazing, Brandon never looked back and has been one of my personal style icons in menswear ever since. I personally love the feather shoulder decorations used for the Spaceman video.
I also am madly, deeply in love with that perfect face and flawless voice, but this is about style.
Goddamn it he's so fucking pretty.
2. Sid Vicious
Back in the 70's, Pu

When the Sex Pistols came onto the English music scene, not only was the music dirty, gritty and irreverent, but so was the fashion. Holes, rips and safety pins were met with leather, leopard print, buttons and hand-made graphics.
Sid Vicious is probably one of my favorite style icons of the punk era, and why not? There is something very appealing about the bad boy image, and there's also something very appealing about a look that seems the person just threw it together from a craft-table explosion at a thrift store, but knowing secretly that the person put a LOT of effort into said outfit. The devil-may-care
style of Sid Vicious (and for the ladies, his victim/lover Nancy Spungen) will always be a look that can never be copied without looking forced, so try to downplay the look with just certain destroyed peices paired with something a little less...destroyed.
My personal favorite look of Sid's is the white, slightly oversized white blazer (cut just so enough chest is showing) and black cigarette fit pant that looks like it was worn highwatered on purpose...because who cares right? Fuck 'em!
3. The Smiths/Morrissey
Oh, Morrissey. The object of my twin sister's undying love, the lead singer of the ban

There's something really cool about a messy mop (sometimes in the eyes, and usually styled just so...), some thick "my Dad wore these in bootcamp in the 50's" glasses, and those ever trendy acid washed skinny jeans that many of these bands donned in the 80's. There's something incredibly, well, 80's about it, but at the same time, there's nothing 80's about it at all. Moz and others on his wavelength broke away from the bubblegum pop-Michael Jackson infused-froofy-glittery-geometric nonsense of the 80's and simplified the style so that it will continue to be timeless, and can forever influence "This Charming Man" of today.
I have so many more male fashion icons, and in my next menswear article, I will highlight a couple more, and I will also get you guys in the "know" with the do's and don'ts of mens fashion...
So stop whining like girls, because I am so giving you something to read too!
Until next time,
Love & Louboutins
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